
Thursday, 6 June 2013

PS4 specifications - AMD APU faster than Xbox One

At first glance, the specifications of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One appear to be similar but Sony’s console video chip appears to have the advantage in terms of raw power and processing speed.
The Xbox One has a custom-made, eight x86 low-power/low-cost Jaguar core that is combined with a Radeon HD graphics card with 768 stream processors. There’s also 8GB of DDR3 system memory and 32MD of SRAM cache.
PS4 on the other hand uses the Single-chip x86 AMD "Jaguar" processor with eight cores with a Radeon HD graphics card boasting 1152 stream processors. There’s also 8GB GDDR5 memory and h 32MB of SRAM.
Extreme Tech explains the difference between the two set-ups in more detail…
“The PS4, in comparison, has an 8-core Jaguar AMD CPU, with a GPU that’s around the same level as the Radeon 7870 (which is significantly more powerful than the 7790). The PS4 has 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, providing 176GB/s of bandwidth to both the CPU and GPU.
The Xbox One mostly ameliorates this difference with 32MB of high-speed SRAM on the GPU, but it will be a more complex architecture to take advantage of.
In both consoles, the CPU and GPU will be on the same die (an AMD APU). Just as the PS4 has 8GB of high-speed memory that is shared by the CPU and GPU, the Xbox One – by virtue of being based on the same APU heterogeneous system architecture (HSA) — will probably be the same. In short, while there are small hardware differences between the consoles, they will ultimately have very similar performance characteristics. The PS4, with its one, big block of fast RAM, and bigger GPU, probably has the edge.”
The PS4 was revealed in February and will launch later this year. The design of the console is still under-wraps, but the world’s gaming press, including PSU, will be going hands-on with Sony’s new hardware at the E3 expo in June.

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